Figure 4.
Expression of VP markers Sfrp2 and Dbx1 at E13.5 and E12.5. Sfrp2 is expressed in the VP as shown at E13.5 (A, E). This expression domain is expanded ventrally in Gsh2 mutants (B, F, arrowheads). Sfrp2 expression is absent at the PSB (asterisk) in the Sey mutant (C, G, asterisks). In Sey/Gsh2 double mutants expression is not restored (D, H, asterisks) Dbx1 is expressed in the VP at E12.5 (I). Loss of Gsh2 results in ectopic Dbx1 expression in the LGE (J, arrows). In Sey mutants, Dbx1 is missing in the VP (K, asterisk). In Sey/Gsh2 double mutants Dbx1 expression is re-expressed, but mislocalized in the dLGE SVZ (L, arrows). n numbers for each probe are as follows: controls, n= 6 [Sfrp2], n= 3 [Dbx1]; Gsh2−/−, n= 4 [Sfrp2], n= 3 [Dbx1]; Sey/Sey, n= 4 [Sfrp2], n= 2 [Dbx1]; Sey/Sey;Gsh2−/−, n= 4 [Sfrp2], n= 2 [Dbx1]. Scale bar: 200 μm.