Figure 5.
Ectopic expression of the Pcdh1 deletion constructs disrupts neural crest cell sorting. A–H) Chick embryos at stage 10 were subjected to in ovo electroporation with the indicated Pcdh1 construct, then fixed at stage 22 and immunostained for the myc-epitope tag. Dotted lines outline the DRG. I) For each construct, the number of myc-positive neural crest cells in the DRG, ventral root (VR), sympathetic ganglia (SG) and epidermis (melanocytes) were quantified and expressed as percentage of the total number of myc-positive neural crest cells. While embryos ectopically expressing full-length Pcdh1-MT do not differ significantly from control embryos expressing solely the myc tag (MiWII-MT), ectopic expression of the deletion constructs Pcdh1ΔE-MT or Pcdh1ΔTM-MT results in a greater percentage of neural crest cells that migrate to the sympathetic ganglia at the expense of the DRG. * Indicates a statistically significant difference (p<0.01) from control embryos. NT, neural tube.