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. 2009 Jan 12;37(4):1297–1307. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkn1008

Table 1.

Examples of type I phosphovariants

Gene name (Swiss-Prot ID) Variation sitea (Swiss-Prot variant ID) Phosphory lation site Local peptide sequenceb Effectc Reference(s) for variationd Reference(s) for phosphorylation sitee
Panel a: Type I(−) phosphovariants
Phosphovariants causing Mendelian inherited disease
EDNRB (P24530) S305N (VAR_003472) S305 CEMLRKK S GMQIALN Hirschsprung disease type 2 8852659 14636059
FANCA (O15360) S858R (VAR_017498) S858 QSRDTLC S CLSPGLI Fanconi anemia 10094191 11091222 17924679
KCNJ1 (P48048) S219R (VAR_019726) S219 RVANLRK S LLIGSHI Bartter syndrome type 2 8841184 8621594
L1CAM (P32004) S1194L (VAR_003947) S1194 AFGSSQP S LNGDIKP Hydrocephalus due to stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius mental retardation, aphasia, shuffling gait and adducted thumbs syndrome 8556302 7881431 17081983
MAPT (P10636) S622N (VAR_010350) S622 KHVPGGG S VQIVYKP Frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked chromosome 17 10208578 7706316
MAPT (P10636) S637F (VAR_019665) S637 VDLSKVT S KCGSLGN Pick disease 11891833 11104762 9199504
MAPT (P10636) S669L (VAR_019667) S669 DFKDRVQ S KIGSLDN Fatal respiratory hypoventilation 14595660 11104762
MITF (O75030) S405P (VAR_010302) S405 QARAHGL S LIPSTGL Waardenburg syndrome type IIa 8589691 10587587
NFKBIA (P25963) S32I (VAR_034871) S32 LLDDRHD S GLDSMKD Autosomal dominant anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency 14523047 10882136 9721103 8601309 16319058 10723127 9214631
PER2 (O15055) S662G (VAR_029080) S662 ALPGKAE S VASLTSQ Familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome 11232563 11232563
PTPN11 (Q06124) Y62D (VAR_015605) Y62 KIQNTGD Y YDLYGGE Patients with Noonan syndrome 1 manifesting juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia 11992261 12325025 12960218 12717436 15951569 15592455
RAF1 (P04049) S259F (VAR_037809) S259 SQRQRST S TPNVHMV Noonan syndrome type 5 17603483 8349614 11997508 11971957 10576742
RAF1 (P04049) T491R (VAR_037819) T491 IGDFGLA T VKSRWSG Noonan syndrome type 5 17603483 11447113
RAF1 (P04049) T491I (VAR_037818) T491 IGDFGLA T VKSRWSG Noonan syndrome type 5 17603483 11447113
RPS6KA3 (P51812) S227A (VAR_006195) S227 DHEKKAY S FCGTVEY Coffin–Lowry syndrome 8955270 17192257
STAT3 (P40763) Y657C (VAR_037381) Y657 FAEIIMG Y KIMDATN Hyperimmunoglobulin E recurrent infection syndrome autosomal dominant 17881745 15037656
TGFBR2 (P37173) Y336N (VAR_022352) Y336 AKGNLQE Y LTRHVIS Loeys–Dietz aortic aneurysm syndrome 15731757 9169454
TNNI3 (P19429) S166F (VAR_029454) S166 LGARAKE S LDLRAHL Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 12974739 11121119
TSC1 (Q92574) T417I (VAR_009403) T417 SLPQATV T PPRKEER Tuberous sclerosis complex, could be a polymorphism 10570911 10607950 14551205
Phosphovariants found in cancer
CDH1 (P12830) S838G (VAR_001322) S838 LVFDYEG S GSEAASL Ovarian cancer 8075649 10671552
CTNNB1 (P35222) S23R (VAR_017612) S23 PDRKAAV S HWQQQSY Hepatocellular carcinoma, no effect 10435629 12027456 12027456
CTNNB1 (P35222) S33F (VAR_017617) S33 QQQSYLD S GIHSGAT Pilomatrixoma, medulloblastoma and hepatocellular carcinoma 10666372 10435629 10192393 12000790 12114015 11818547
CTNNB1 (P35222) S33L (VAR_017618) S33 QQQSYLD S GIHSGAT Hepatocellular carcinoma 10435629 12000790 12114015 11818547
CTNNB1 (P35222) S37A (VAR_017624) S37 YLDSGIH S GATTTAP Medulloblastoma, hepatocellular carcinoma 12027456 10435629 10666372 12000790 12114015 11818547
CTNNB1 (P35222) S37C (VAR_017625) S37 YLDSGIH S GATTTAP Pilomatrixoma, hepatoblastoma 9927029 10192393 12000790 12114015 11818547
CTNNB1 (P35222) S37F (VAR_017626) S37 YLDSGIH S GATTTAP Pilomatrixoma 10192393 12000790 12114015 11818547
CTNNB1 (P35222) T41A (VAR_017629) T41 GIHSGAT T TAPSLSG Hepatoblastoma and hepatocellular carcinoma, also in a desmoid tumor 12051714 10398436 9927029 12027456 10655994 10435629 12051714 12114015 11818547 12000790
CTNNB1 (P35222) T41I (VAR_017630) T41 GIHSGAT T TAPSLSG Pilomatrixoma and hepatocellular carcinoma 10192393 10435629 12051714 12114015 11818547 12000790
CTNNB1 (P35222) S45F (VAR_017631) S45 GIHSGAT T TAPSLSG Hepatocellular carcinoma 10435629 12051714 12000790 11955436
CTNNB1 (P35222) S45P (VAR_017632) S45 GATTTAP S LSGKGNP Hepatocellular carcinoma 10435629 12051714 12000790 11955436
FAM10A4 (Q8IZP2) S71L (VAR_023644) S71 DLKADEP S SEESDLE B-cell leukemia, multiple myeloma, and prostate cancer 12079276 17081983
MET (P08581) Y1230C (VAR_006292) Y1230 FGLARDM Y DKEYYSV Hereditary papillary renal carcinoma 9140397 12475979
MET (P08581) Y1230H (VAR_006293) Y1230 FGLARDM Y DKEYYSV Hereditary papillary renal carcinoma 9140397 12475979
NME1 (P15531) S120G (VAR_004625) S120 GRNIIHG S DSVESAE Neuroblastoma 8047138 8810265
RB1 (P06400) S567L (VAR_005579) S567 SLAWLSD S PLFDLIK Retinoblastoma 10671068 2594029 10207050
TP53 (P04637) T155A (VAR_005901) T155 DSTPPPG T RVRAMAI Esophageal cancer 1868473 12628923
Phosphovariants related with polymorphism
BARD1 (Q99728) S186G (VAR_038371) S186 SYEFVSP S PPADVSE Polymorphism (rs16852741) 15855157
C10orf11 (Q9H2I8) S153F (VAR_033686) S153 SSEDVAS S PERHYTP Polymorphism (rs35349706) 16964243
CTNND1 (O60716) Y217C (VAR_020929) Y217 PDGYSRH Y EDGYPGG Polymorphism (rs11570194) 15592455 16212419
CTPS (P17812) S571I (VAR_027055) S571 RDTYSDR S GSSSPDS Polymorphism (rs17856308) 15489334 16097034 17081983
HIF1A (Q16665) T796A (VAR_015854) T796 ESGLPQL T SYDCEVN Polymorphism (rs1802821) 17382325
INSR (P06213) Y1361C (VAR_015933) Y1361 SYEEHIP Y THMNGGK Polymorphism (rs13306449) 7657032 11401470
KRT36 (O76013) T315M (VAR_020306) T315 EIIELRR T VNALEIE Polymorphism (rs2301354) 17081983
MYH15 (Q9Y2K3) T1125A (VAR_030238) T1125 KTVKELQ T QIKDLKE Polymorphism (rs3900940) 17081983
PDLIM5 (Q96HC4) S136F (VAR_023779) S136 PRPFGSV S SPKVTSI Polymorphism (rs2452600) 17287340
PNN (Q9H307) S671G (VAR_023368) S671 HKSSKGG S SRDTKGS Polymorphism (rs13021) 10095061 17287340
SUB1 (P53999) S11G (VAR_032870) S11 SKELVSS S SSGSDSD Polymorphism (rs17850527) 15489334 17081983 16689930
SRRM2 (Q9UQ35) S883C (VAR_027260) S883 SPDPELK S RTPSRHS Polymorphism (rs17136053) 17287340
TP53 (P04637) S366A (VAR_022317) S366 PGGSRAH S SHLKSKK Polymorphism 9183006
Panel b: Type I(+) phosphovariants
DDX27 (Q96GQ7) G766S S766 ALKQYRA G PSFEERK Unknown 16565220 16565220

aLocations and amino acid changes of the variations in the proteins.

bPeptide sequences with 15-mer amino acids. The amino acids in the eighth position are phosphorylated residues.

cThe meanings or consequences of the variations. We referred to the feature tables of Swiss-Prot for these effects. If the polymorphisms are enrolled in dbSNP, the IDs of dbSNP are written in the parentheses.

dPubmed ID for the references of the variations

ePubmed ID for the references of the phosphorylation sites

Protein names which are abbreviated by their gene names: epithelial cadherin (precursor), CDH1; catenin β-1, CTNNB1; probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX27, DDX27; endothelin B receptor (precursor), EDNRB; protein FAM10A4, FAM10A4; Fanconi anemia group A protein, FANCA; ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 1, KCNJ1; keratin, type I cuticular Ha6, KRT36; Neural cell adhesion molecule L1, L1CAM; microtubule-associated protein tau, MAPT; hepatocyte growth factor receptor (precursor), MET; microphthalmia-associated transcription factor, MITF; NF-κ-B inhibitor α, NFKBIA; nucleoside diphosphate kinase A, NME1; period circadian protein homolog 2, PER2; tyrosine-protein phosphatase nonreceptor type 11, PTPN11; RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase, RAF1; retinoblastoma-associated protein, RB1; ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-3, RPS6KA3; signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, STAT3; TGF-beta receptor type-2 (precursor), TGFBR2; cardiac troponin I, TNNI3; cellular tumor antigen p53, TP53; Hamartin, TSC1.