Figure 1.
Binding of RS1 and Factor Va to carbohydrates immobilized on agarose. Culture medium from HEK 293 cells expressing recombinant RS1 or purified Factor Va was incubated with agarose or agarose conjugated to carbohydrates. The unbound protein was collected and after washing the agarose matrix, the bound protein was eluted with 4% SDS. The input, unbound and bound fractions were analyzed on Western blots labelled with an antibody to either RS1 or Factor Va. A. Binding of RS1 to agarose conjugated with N-acetylgalactosamine – GalNAc, N-acetylglucosamine – GlcNAc, lactose, galactose, or mannose, or heparin. B. Binding of RS1 to agarose conjugated to either galactose or heparin. C. Binding of Factor Va to agarose conjugated with galactose.