In vitro infection of mouse cardac myocytes was analyzed from 24 to 72hr. A and B. Immunoblots showed that Cx43 was increased after 24 hours PI (+32%±0.24) and was reduced at 48 (-21% ± 0.36) and 72 hours PI (-61% ± 0.14). C. Differential quantification of Cx43 phospho-bands revealed that 72 hours PI, P1+P2 bands had intensity higher then non-phosphorylated P0 band. (*: p<0.05, ANOVA). D. Biphasic effect of infection on mouse cardiac myocytes Cx43. There was a transient increase in Cx43 levels (68%) after one hour PI but it returned to baseline levels between 2hpi until 48hpi. Thereafter, Cx43 expression was reduced 61% at 72 hours PI (*: p<0,05, ANOVA).