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. 2008 Oct 6;26(32):5213–5219. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2008.16.3725

Table 1.

Demographics and Disease Characteristics of 936 Patients According to Type of Axillary Surgery

Variable SLNB Alone (n = 600)
SLNB/ALND (n = 336)
No. % Median Range No. % Median Range
Age at time of axillary surgery, years 56 24-83 52 27-86 < .0001
Age at follow-up, years 62 28-90 56 31-89 < .0001
Follow-up, years 5.0 2.7-8.0 5.1 2.7-7.8 .41
Laterality of surgery .15
    Right 310 52 157 47
    Left 290 48 179 53
Type of surgery < .0001
    Conservation 438 73 157 47
    Mastectomy 162 27 179 53
Tumor type < .0001
    IFDC 420 70 296 88
    IFLC 47 7.8 27 8.0
    Mucinous/papillary/medullary/tubular 23 3.8 1 0.3
    DCIS only 79 13 8 2.4
    DCIS with microinvasion 22 3.7 1 0.3
    Metaplastic 2 0.3 0
    Other 7 1.2 3 0.9
Pathological size, cm 1.0 0-5.0 1.7 0-7.5 < .0001
AJCC T stage
    Tis 79 13 8 2.4
    T1a 101 17 15 4.5
    T1b 158 26 52 15
    T1c 212 35 133 40
    T2 50 8.3 118 34.
    T3 0 10 3.0
Total No. nodes excised 3 1-17 19 2-65 < .0001
No. of positive nodes 0 0-3 1 0-32 < .0001
AJCC N stage
    N0 555 93 35 10
    N0(i+) 16 2.7 9 3.6
    N1mi 18 3.0 34 9.2
    N1, 1-3 node(s) positive 11 1.8 186 55
    N2, 4-9 nodes positive 0 50 15
    N3, ≥10 nodes positive 0 22 6.5

Abbreviations: SLNB, sentinel lymph node biopsy; ALND, axillary lymph node dissection; IFDC, infiltrating ductal carcinoma; IFLC, infiltrating lobular carcinoma; DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ; AJCC, American Joint Commission on Cancer.