FIG. 3.
Effect of synaptic coupling on fast network model oscillations. A: structure of synaptic connectivity in a cortical network model including 512 PY neurons and 128 INs. AMPA, excitatory synapses; GABA, inhibitory synapses. B: field potential (top) and representative PY neurons (bottom) during gamma oscillations. C, top: frequency of field potential oscillations is plotted as a function of inhibitory feedback: excitatory PY → IN and inhibitory IN → PY coupling. Bottom: frequency of field potential oscillations is plotted as a function of excitatory PY → IN coupling and resting potential (σ): σ = 0.09 corresponds to the onset of spiking; σ = 0.17 corresponds to ∼20-Hz sustained firing rate. D: spectrograms representing the power spectrum of the field (top) and PY (bottom) oscillations as a function of PY → IN coupling for a fixed value of IN → PY coupling (g = 0.0007).