PTIP is important for proper DNA damage response after ionizing
radiation. A, PTIP and PA1 play a minor role in G2/M
checkpoint control after DNA damage. PTIP+/+, or
PTIP-/-, and ATM-/- MEFs were mock-treated or irradiated
(3 Gy). Similarly, U2OS cells transfected with control siRNA (siCTR),
PTIP specific siRNAs (siPTIP#1 and siPTIP#2), or
PA1-specific siRNAs (siPA1#1 and siPA1#2) were also
mock-treated or irradiated. Cells were harvested 1 h later, and a
G2/M checkpoint assay was carried out (see “Materials and
Methods”). The percentages of cells stained with phospho-H3 antibody
before and after IR treatment were obtained from three individual experiments.
Error bars indicate S.D. B, PTIP and PA1 are required for
cell survival after ionizing radiation. PTIP-/- cells were
reconstituted with wild-type or various PTIP deletion mutants. Cell survival
after irradiation was measured by clonogenic assay according to the
“Materials and Methods.” The expression of PTIP or its deletion
mutants in these cells were confirmed by Western blotting using indicated
antibodies (lower panel). Similarly, U2OS cells were treated with
control or PA1 specific siRNAs. Cell survival after IR was measured by
clonogenic assay (upper panel), and Western blot analysis was
performed to verify the depletion of PA1 after siRNA transfection (right
panel). WT, wild type. C, a proposed model of the DNA
damage responsive pathway involving PTIP. See “Discussion” for