Figure 2.
Figure 2a. One-way sensitivity analyses. Tornado diagram for therapy or histological diagnosis as model endpoint depicts the effect on costs by varying each of the examined variables. DBE is preferred unless a threshold is identified (black line). Preference for CE occurs when cost of DBE exceeds $1,849 and PE preferred when DBE cost exceeds $2,473. CE was preferred when sensitivity of DBE was less than 68%. Only variables displaying a change in preferred strategy or that were considered clinically important parameters are depicted. DBE: double balloon enteroscopy; CE: capsule endoscopy; PE: push enteroscopy
Figure 2b. Sensitivity analysis on the cost of DBE. Using a model with the goal of endoscopic therapy or definitive diagnosis, preference for DBE was sensitive to the cost of DBE. When either antegrade or retrograde DBE cost exceeded $1,849, CE became the preferred initial strategy (dotted vertical line – left).
Figure 2c. Sensitivity analysis on the sensitivity of DBE. Using a model with the goal of endoscopic therapy or definitive diagnosis, preference for DBE changed to CE when DBE identified less than 68% of lesion.