FIG. 5.
Fluoro-Jade histofluorescence of degenerating neurons in the hippocampus at 24 h after TBI. (A) Representative section from the ipsilateral hemisphere (Bregma −3.80 mm) showing fluorescing cells indicating degenerating neurons in the stratum pyramidale. Scale bar = 100 μm. (B) Higher magnification from the boxed area in A shows pyramidal cell bodies and dendrites fluorescing. Scale bar = 10 μm. SO, stratum oriens; SP, stratum pyramidale; SR, stratum radiatum. (C) Degenerating neurons were quantified using stereological techniques. Amiloride (100 nmoles) significantly reduced the numbers of Fluoro-Jade-labeled degenerating neurons in the hippocampal CA2/3 region. Compared to vehicle, neither EIPA (200 nmoles) nor KB-R7943 (20 nmoles) significantly affected the numbers of degenerating neurons. *p < 0.05 compared to the vehicle contralateral control group. (Color image is available online at