The stimulatory effect of profibrogeneic growth factors on human pulmonary fibroblast migration. Normal human pulmonary fibroblasts (CCL-190), IPF fibroblasts (CCL-134), and primary human IPF fibroblasts (IPF-U.N., IPF-III, IPF-IV) were stimulated with 10% FCS-DMEM, 50 ng/mL EGF, 50 ng/mL PDGF-AB, or 50 ng/mL PDGF-BB. Control cells were treated with 1% FCS-DMEM. Data are presented as multiples of cell count of control cells stimulated with 1% FCS-DMEM ± SEM. The IPF fibroblasts results are mean counts of the 4 different IPF fibroblast cell lines.