How do you rate the time it took for your call to be answered? |
0.412 |
0.663 |
Please rate the helpfulness of the call operator |
0.495 |
0.732 |
Please rate the extent to which you felt the call operator listened to you |
0.505 |
0.703 |
How do you rate the time it took for a health professional to call you back? |
0.531 |
0.502 |
Dichotomised rating satisfaction with disposal |
−0.607 |
How do you rate the length of your consultation with the health professional? |
0.830 |
Rate the thoroughness of the consultation |
0.879 |
Rate the accuracy of the diagnosis |
0.836 |
Rate the treatment you were given |
0.858 |
Rate the advice and information you were given |
0.884 |
Rate the warmth of the health professional's manner |
0.855 |
Rate the extent to which you felt listened to |
0.901 |
Rate the extent to which you felt things were explained to you |
0.889 |
Rate the respect you were shown |
0.845 |
Do you think the out‐of‐hours service knew enough about your medical history? |
0.401 |