In normal subjects in whom the number of intraepithelial lymphocytes is limited (A), CXCR3 is expressed both by immune cells and enterocytes (B). Incubation of the tissue with secondary antibodies alone (C) was performed to show specificity of the staining. Compared with controls (D), CXCR3 expression in CD subjects is highly increased both at the epithelial level and in the lamina propria (E). The increase in intraepithelial lymphocytes typical of CD (F) clearly cannot entirely account for the diffuse over expression of CXCR3. Original magnification, × 60. (G) In active CD, CXCR3 gene expression as determined by real-time PCR was elevated significantly compared to non-CD patients (*P = .004), and this expression returned to baseline after the implementation of a gluten-free diet (n = 3–9).