Figure 1.
Molecular phylogeny of vertebrate PDE1C. (A) Maximum-likelihood (ML) tree of the PDE1C and PDE1A genes in four teleosts, three tetrapods, and an ascidian, constructed under the GTR + I + Γ model with 930 base pairs (bp) of the coding region. Numbers indicate support values (percentages) from 1,000 LR-ELW edge support tests (left) and percent posterior probabilities from the Bayesian method (right). Single numbers indicate the LR-ELW edge support for the nodes, for which the Bayesian tree inference resulted in a different branching pattern. (B) ML tree of the teleost PDE1C genes constructed under the TrN + Γ model with 1248 bp of the coding region. Numbers indicate the LR-ELW edge support values (1,000 replications).