(A) Representative HSA and TCRβ staining (upper panel) and CD8 and CD4 staining gated on mature thymocytes (lower panel) in iVα19-Jα33/Vβ6 transgenic mice in a MR1+/+ or MR1−/− RAG−/− background (left and right panel, respectively). Percentages of mature and intermediate T cells are boxed (upper panel). Representative of four mice in each group.
(B) Representative Vβ6 and CD19 staining gated on MLN lymphocytes from iVα19/Vβ6 double transgenic RAG−/− mice on a MR1+/+ (upper panels) or MR1−/− (lower panels) background without (left panels) or 14 d after MR1− or MR1+ CD3ɛ−/− splenocyte transfer. Representative of three to ten mice per group.
(C) Absolute numbers of T lymphocytes in the MLN of the different groups analyzed: MR1+/+ (filled circles) and MR1−/− (open circles) iVα19/Vβ6 double Tg RAG−/− mice, without or after MR1− or MR1+ CD3ɛ−/− splenocyte transfer. *, p < 0.021; ***, p = 0.0007.