Conceptualization of EIDM
Assessment of Current EIDM Practice
2. In your opinion, to what extent is EIDM demonstrated in the day-to-day operations of your RHA?
In what ways does your RHA practise evidence-informed decision-making?
If the board/senior management was faced with a decision (e.g., whether or not to institute a certain program or service), what information would be used to assist in decision-making?
3. What actions has your RHA taken to date to support evidence-based planning throughout the organization?
How does the organizational structure in your RHA facilitate/support evidence-based decision-making? Are there any ways in which the structure hinders EIDM?
What supports are in place to promote EIDM? (Probes, first note what they say, then probe, i.e., access to reports, library resources, Internet access, training opportunities, environment that encourages discussion/debate, etc.)
Barriers to EIDM