Small intestinal metallothionein localization. Metallothionein was absent in the ZD groups (A–B) and present in all other groups (C–J) as indicated by scoring: (−−) none to very few cells, (+) mild, (++) moderate, (+++) high. PC = Paneth cells, SEC = surface epithelial cells, GC = goblet cells and LP = lamina propria. DSS– = no dextran sulfate sodium challenge, DSS+ = 5% dextran sulfate sodium challenge; ZD = zinc deficient (3 mg/kg zinc), PF = pair fed (30 mg/kg zinc) to match energy intake of ZD group, ZT = zinc deficient (3 mg/kg zinc) and repleted (300 mg/kg zinc), C = control (30 mg/kg zinc), ZS = zinc supplemented (300 mg/kg zinc). All slides 10× magnification.