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. 2009 Mar 17;4(3):e4913. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0004913

Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree of human mtDNA coding sequence variants demonstrating regional association of haplogroups using mtDNA sequence from DLPFC.

Figure 1

Haplogroups, groups of related haplotypes, are derived from a founding haplotype, harboring characteristic mtDNA sequence polymorphisms. Each haplogroup is designated by a letter in this tree, the RCRS is the reference sequence; the ticks around the perimeter of the circle represent the individual mtDNA sequences from DLPFC. The faint numbers represent the probability of support for the branches which was 0.9–1.The mtDNA haplogroups have proven to be highly geographically associated [109]. The haplogroup assignments were calculated at MITOMASTER ( using all mtDNA sequence base pairs.