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. 2009 Feb 5;64A(2):230–236. doi: 10.1093/gerona/gln023

Table 1.

Sample Characteristics at Baseline (N = 13,129)

% or Mean (SD)
Age (y) 78.86 (7.52)
    Black 18.29
    White 81.71
    Male 26.29
    Female 73.71
    Less than high school 53.90
    High school 29.22
    More than high school 16.88
Marital status
    Married 29.61
    Widowed 55.66
    Separated/divorced 11.29
    Never married 3.44
Living arrangements
    Alone 44.78
    With spouse 28.04
    With others 27.18
Program type
    Waiver 52.44
    Care management 47.55
No. of chronic conditions 5.23 (2.39)
ADL scale score 7.34 (6.83)
ADL dependence status
    Need physical help in 1+ ADLs 72.65
    Independent or need supervision only in all ADLs 27.35
IADL scale score 9.86 (2.96)
IADL dependence status
    Have difficulty in all IADLs 34.96
    Independent in 1+ IADLs 65.04
Depression status
    No depression 47.06
    Subthreshold depression 29.92
    Probable depression 23.02
Cognitive status
    Intact 43.47
    Borderline intact 22.96
    Impaired 33.57

Note: ADL = activities of daily living; IADL = instrumental activities of daily living.