Figure 3.
Impact of coding SNP 32 on HDL-C and TG levels (mg/dl ± SE) from pairwise genotype comparisons. (A) Mean HDL-C levels: non-carriers for SNP 32 (rs3111938) (T/T) = 52.94 ± 0.39; heterozygous (T/G) = 56.10 ± 0.82; homozygous (G/G) 47.78 ± 3.29. (B) Mean TG levels: T/T = 111.75 ± 3.10; T/G 99.29 ± 3.9; G/G 127.33 ± 22.9. Sample sizes are: n = 1576 (T/T), 334 (T/G) and 9 (G/G). Resulting P-values the pairwise comparisons: ***<0.0001, **00.008, *0.0015. (C) Absence of CD36 expression on monocytes and platelets from a subject homozygous for coding SNP 32 (rs3211938). Shown are representative histograms of flow cytometric analysis from a non-carrier and heterozygote (carrier) for SNP 32. (D) Representative western blots and densitometry analysis of total CD36 protein in monocytes and platelets from a non-carrier (−/−), a homozygote (+/+) and a heterozygote (−/+) for SNP 32. The RAN (ras-related nuclear protein) was used as the loading control.