Cx30 and Cx43 are expressed by Type 1 and Type 2a NPCs and are responsive to laminin. Cx30 and Cx43 was detected in the majority of cells within neurospheres (a, d, arrows) and localized to cells expressing nestin (b, e, insets) and GFAP (c, f, insets). Inset in (a) demonstrates lack of Cx30 immunostaining on null-mutant neurospheres confirming antibody specificity. Adherence to laminin did not impact on the frequency of Cx30+ cells (g) although a change in subcellular localization was observed (compare punctate membrane staining (a, arrows) with diffuse cytoplasmic staining (i, arrows)). A decrease in the frequency of Cx43+ cells (arrows) was detected following culture on laminin (j). Cx43 was present at the plasma membrane between cells in direct apposition in the presence (a) or absence (b, small arrows) of laminin. Scale bars, 50 μm, insets in a, b, c, f, 25 μm, inset in e,10 μm. Data represent mean of 5–15 sections (- laminin) or field (+ laminin) counted over n = 5–10 cultures/condition ± SEM (g, j). **p < 0.01 Student's t-test.