Figure 4. Confocalimages of angiotensin II (ANGII)-treated streptozotocin-diabetic kidney sections labelled with Na+,K+-ATPase (NKA) α-1 antibody.
Representative examples of NKA α-1 (green) localization in kidney sections of (A) control (C), (B) ANGII-treated control (CA), (C) 7 week diabetic (D7) and (D) ANGII-treated D7 (D7A) rats. Nuclei are stained blue. Fluorescence signal intensities of NKA α-1 (green) generated from a scanned horizontal line shown as red arrow in the merged image are shown on the bottom right of each panel. Glom, glomerulus; cTAL, cortical thick ascending limb; PT, proximal tubule. Scale bars: top left images for all panels, 50μm, all other images, 10 μm.