Figure 5. A simple model that uses measured parameters to account for the time course of release.
A, two models of the exocytic limb of the synaptic vesicle cycle where synaptic vesicles are recruited to the readily releasable pool (RRP) from the reserve pool with rate constant krecr. During AP firing at 20 Hz primed vesicles will be released with a rate constant kexo defined by the release probability (see text). Aa, all vesicles in the RRP are available for immediate release by an AP. Ab, a subset of the vesicles in the RRP are made available for release with priming rate constant kprim. B, model predictions at 25°C superimposed on recorded fluorescence trace normalized to a final intensity of 1. The parameter kexo is 2.0 s−1 when all vesicles in the RRP can be released (Aa, red trace) and 11.5 s−1 when priming is considered to be a factor (Ab, blue trace). krecr is 0.074 s−1 at both instances while kprim is 0.8 s−1. Inset shows the initial 5 s at a higher resolution. Note that the model without priming poorly describes how the fluorescence trace develops in the first 5 s. C, model predictions at 35°C with corresponding fluorescence trace. In the model with all RRP vesicles being releasable (Aa, red trace), kexo is 1.6 s−1 while in the model with priming (Ab, blue trace) kexo is 8.6 s−1, krecr is 0.079 s−1 and kprim is 1.6 s−1. Error bars are s.e.m.