Symbiotic phenotype of S. meliloti mutants in K+ uptake systems. (A) Nodulation kinetics of alfalfa plants inoculated with strain 1021 (wild type; black squares), 10tAK1 (Trk− Kup1−; black triangles), 10tAKK (Trk− Kdp− Kup1−; black dots), or 10tAK21 (Trk− Kup2− Kup1−; asterisks). The bars indicate standard errors. (B) Competition assays. Data represent the percentage of white nodules occupied by the wild type (1021), 10tAG (Trk−) (tAG), 10tAK1 (Trk− Kup1−) (tAK1), 10tAK2 (Trk− Kup2−) (tAK2), or 10tAKdp (Trk− Kdp−) (tAKdp) after inoculation with 1:1 mixtures of each strain and 1021(pGUS3). A representative example of two experiments is shown. Bars correspond to standard errors, and different letters indicate significative differences according to an analysis-of-variance test.