Penetration kinetics and nuclear localization of capsids. (A) Penetration kinetics of PrV-UL35GFP, noncomplemented PrV-ΔUL37/UL35GFP (n), or phenotypically pUL37-complemented PrV-ΔUL37/UL35GFP (c) were assayed by citrate inactivation studies (36). Average results from three independent experiments are shown. (B) Assays shown in Fig. 5 were quantitated, indicating the percentage of cells exhibiting fluorescent capsids at the nucleus after infection with PrV-UL35GFP, noncomplemented PrV-ΔUL37/UL35GFP (n), or phenotypically pUL37-complemented PrV-ΔUL37/UL35GFP (c).