Expression and sub-localization of the nucleus-encoded tRNAs of C. reinhardtii. (A) Whole-cell RNA fraction (T) and mitochondrial RNA fraction (M) separated on polyacrylamide gel and hybridized against probes specific to cytosolic tRNA genes (Table 1 and Supplementary data, Table S1). Name of probes is given below each northern experiment. (B) Extent of mitochondrial import for each cytosolic tRNA in percentage. For each tRNA, two to four independent northern blot experiments were performed. Three and four independent total and mitochondrial RNA preparations were used for the whole set of northern experiments. For each probe, a typical experiment is presented in (A) but the percentages of extent of mitochondrial import given in (B) are the mean values obtained with two to four independent northern blot experiments. Error bars are not presented on the histogram because, at this scale, they will not be visible for most tRNAs. The standard deviations observed are usually less than 5%. Only for two probes, Y and Me, a higher deviation of around 10% was observed.