Figure 2.
Thermal denaturation profiles of a 11-meric AP site-containing DNA duplex [5′ -TCC AGX GCA AC-3′/3′-AGG TCC CGT TG-5′, X = AP site (dSpacer), C = target cytosine]. (a) DNA alone, and in the presence of (b) AND, (c) AMND, (d) ADMND and (e) ATMND. [DNA duplex] = 30 µM, [ligand] = 580 µM, in 100 mM NaCl, 1.0 mM EDTA and 10 mM sodium cacodylate (pH 7.0). Absorbance of DNA was measured at 260 nm as a function of temperature, which ranged from 2°C to 92°C with a heating rate of 1.0°C/min. Optical path length = 1 mm.