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. 2008;2008:505–509.

Table 3.

List of outpatient ADE triggers eligible for baseline assessment

Trigger Trigger Logic
Creat [New order or increase in (direct GFR reducer OR volume reducer OR nephrotoxin) within (1–5 days OR 1 day to last creatinine measure)
AND (No new trimethoprim within 5 days)]
AND (No decrease in any meds above since the last creatinine measure OR no repeat order for creatinine)
AND (>25% reduction in creatinine clearance since initiation or increase of above med AND resulting creatinine clearance < 50)
Klow Use of potassium reducer
AND [K <3.0 OR (K < 3.5 AND K decreased by >15%) versus previous measurement]
AND (No new potassium raiser OR decreased potassium reducer) within 5 days of triggering potassium result
Khigh [(K+>5.5 and up by >10% since last measurement)
OR (K+>6.0)]
AND (Potassium raiser active OR Potassium reducer discontinued 1 day to 4 weeks days prior)
AND No new potassium reducer
OR decrease in potassium raiser within 5 days of triggering result
BMT (On bone-marrow-toxic drug with a course more than 2 weeks AND No chemotherapy within 2 weeks)
AND [(WBCs<2,500 AND decrease from before course by more than 2,000) OR (WBCs<2,000 AND decrease from before course by more than 1,000)
OR (Platelets<50k AND decrease by 75k within 1 week)]
AND (no repeat CBC OR no decrease in drug) within 5 days of triggering result
Warf [Started on warfarin within 14 days AND (INR>3.0 AND INR increased by 1 within 2 days) AND no repeat INR within 2 days]
OR (Started in warfarin longer than 14 days prior AND INR>4 AND no repeat INR within 2 weeks)
OR (INR>6 AND no repeat INR within 2 days)
Note: INR stands for International Normalized Ratio
Gork Active prescription of sedative hypnotic including anticholinergic
AND Subsequent diagnosis of (dementia, fall, delirium)