Disruption of actin filaments modulates vIL-10 secretion from LGAC. A. Effect of latrunculin B (LAT) pretreatment on CCH-stimulated release of vIL-10 from LGAC. Rabbit LGACs were cultured and transduced with AdvIL-10 as described in legend for Fig. 3. Cells were then pretreated with LAT (10 μM) for 60 min before being treated without or with 100 μM CCH at time intervals from 0 to 180 min. Aliquots of the medium were collected and processed for measurement of vIL-10 release using ELISA assays. vIL-10 release is plotted as % of total, with total defined as the maximal release elicited by 100 μM CCH at 180 min in untreated cells. n = 5 and *, significant at p ≤ 0.05, LAT AdvIL-10 (+)CCH versus AdvIL-10 (+)CCH. Error bars represent s.e.m. B. Effect of LAT pretreatment on vIL-10 distribution in LGAC. Rabbit LGACs were cultured and transduced with AdvIL-10 as described in legend for Fig. 1A. Cells were then pretreated with LAT (10 μM) for 60 min before being treated without or with 100 μM CCH for 30 min. Cells were fixed and processed to fluorescently label vIL-10 (green), actin filaments (red) and cellular nuclei (blue). Arrows, subapical accumulation of vIL-10; bar, 10 μm and *, apical/lumenal region.