SEM of the CSTC circuit latent variables is denoted by ovals and manifest variables by rectangles. Disturbance factors and errors (both latent variables) are also represented by ovals as they are not measured and are respectively indicated with the letter D and E. In standard SEM language, estimated residuals for the manifest variables are called “errors” and estimated residuals for the latent variables are called “disturbance factors.” Thick arrows represent the structural paths. Thin arrows represent the manifest paths. All cortex, sum of all cortical regional volumes; L cau, left caudate volume; R cau, right caudate volume; L put, left putamen volume; R put, right putamen volume; L gp, left globus pallidus volume; R gp, right globus pallidus volume; L thal, left thalamus volume; R thal, right thalamus volume; e, measurement error.