Fig. 4.
QHEND reduces peripheral inflammation after CFA in naïve rats. Injection of CFA injection resulted in an increase in paw volume, measured by plethysmometer. Inoculation of QHEND (open circles) but not QOZHG (filled squares) 3 days prior to CFA significantly decreased the volume of the CFA-injected paw (a), p < 0.01, General linear model, repeated measure (SPSS); n = 6 animals per group. Expression of c-fos in laminae I–II of dorsal horn evoked by gentle touch stimulation to the injured paw 3 days after CFA was reduced in animals inoculated with QHEND. **P < 0.01 QHEND vs Q0ZHG, ANOVA; n = 4–5 animals per group.