Responses from a rostral vestibular nuclei (VN) neuron during 3-dimensional (3D) vestibular stimulation. Small dots show instantaneous firing rate during (A) translation and (B) rotation at 0.5 Hz (12–16 cycles superimposed). Motion directions are indicated by the cartoon drawings. The solid gray lines show the sinusoidal fits. The stimulus traces (Stim) show linear acceleration (A) or angular velocity (B). Response gains were as follows—A: 209 (P ≪ 0.001, lateral), 55 (P = 0.05, fore-aft), and 74 sp/s/G (P = 0.01, vertical); B: 0.75 (P ≪ 0.001, yaw), 0.43 (P ≪ 0.001, pitch), and 1.19 sp/s/deg/s (P ≪ 0.001, roll).