Figure 4.
Listing of the most differentially-modulated genes in liver with respect to infected-but not-diseased samples. There are clear differences between infected and uninfected samples, but less frequently, there are also differences between virulently-infected and mildly-infected samples and the most prominent genes in this latter category are highlighted in this figure. WE1 vs uninf (or vs nodisease) refers to pre-viremic samples (day 1–3) and WE2 vs uninf (or vs nodisease) refers to viremic samples (day 4–7). N-fold refers to fold up- or down-regulation of each gene expressed in a virulently-infected liver in relation to expression in an uninfected or non-diseased liver. Gene accession number, gene symbol and description of each gene are shown. Red or green color corresponds to up- or down-regulation of gene expression, respectively. This figure is a subset of Additional File 8.