Figure 4. Purinergic evoked calcium transients are mediated via intracellular calcium.
(A,B) Slices were superfused with multiple applications of 10 μM UTP in (A) the absence of extracellular calcium (+ 4 mM EGTA) or (B) the presence of 100 μM nickel. (▲indicates time of UTP superfusion, □ indicates time of drug superfusion). Y axis is normalized peak amplitude. Right panels: Average normalized peak amplitudes are shown as are the predicted peak amplitudes for the second application (■). (C, D) Representative calcium transients from slices pre-treated with BAPTA-AM (100 μM) or vehicle (1% DMSO) in (C) sustentacular cells (SCs) or in (D) olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). Right panels: average peak amplitudes + s.e.m. *, p<0.05.