Figure 6.
Determination of anti-adenoviral antibodies following i.c. injection of adenoviral vectors in Syrian hamsters (SHs). (a) Anti-adenoviral antibodies were detected by ELISA in sera from SHs at days 14 and 30 following i.c. injection of AdWT and CRAd-S-pk7 at a 1:10 and 1:100 serum dilutions(P<0.05). (b) A regression analysis showed a significant negative correlation in the number of viral genomic copies found in the noninjected hemisphere and the anti-adenoviral antibody signal (ELISA, OD 450 nm) (P<0.05) and a marginally significant negative correlation of viral genomic copies found in the injected hemisphere and the anti-adenoviral antibody signal (ELISA, OD 450 nm) (P = 0.053).