Phenotypes of the mutants lacking mitochondrial
NADP+-dependent dehydrogenase genes. A, growth of the
single mutant carrying pRS415 on SD solid media containing Arg and 0.5, 1.0,
or 2.0 mm H2O2. B–D, growth of
the single (B) or double (C and D) mutants carrying
POS5 (pMK2127), 62MTS+yfjB (pMK1723), pRS415, or
62MTS+UTR1 (pMK1722) on SD solid media containing both Arg
and 2.0 mm H2O2 (B and C),
and with neither Arg nor H2O2 (D). Mutants
carrying pRS415 grew as well as the WT carrying pRS415 on SD solid media
containing Arg (data not shown). In the single mutants, each gene is replaced
by kanMX4. In the double mutants, POS5 is replaced by
HIS3MX6 and each dehydrogenase gene by kanMX4.