Epistatic relationship of Rad54 and Mus81. Sensitivity of wild type
(WT), mus81Δ, rad54Δ, and double mutant
cells to DNA-damaging agents was assayed by growth on plates containing the
indicated concentrations of CPT (A) or HU (B). YPD,
yeast extract/peptone/dextrose. C, representative maximum intensity
projection image of CPT-induced Mus81-yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) foci
(indicated by arrows). Images were captured 5 h after treatment.
Scale bar, 3 μm. DIC, differential interference contrast.
D, quantification of Mus81 foci in RAD54, rad54Δ,
rad54-K341A (rad54-K/A), and rad54-K341R
(rad54-K/R) genetic backgrounds. IR-treated cells were examined for foci
3 h after treatment. CPT-treated cells were examined 5 h post-treatment.
Bars indicate the frequency of Mus81 foci observed in S phase or
G2/M cells (Budded cells). Error bars depict the
binomial S.E. Significance from the wild type was determined by a
χ2 test.