Post-translational regulation of SCFTIR1 accumulation in
wild-type plants. Ler np::TIR1-HAStrep seedlings were
grown in liquid MS for 7 days. A, seedlings were incubated for 6 h
with the proteasome inhibitor MG-132 (50 μm (+) or with DMSO
(-)). Total protein extracts were analyzed on immunoblots with anti-HA,
anti-ASK, anti-CUL1, and anti-HSC70 antibodies. Immunodetection of
cytosolic/nuclear HSC70 is used to evaluate relative loading of the samples.
The open and filled arrowheads correspond to unmodified and
RUB-modified CUL1, respectively. B, densitometric analysis of
TIR1-HAStrep, ASK1, and total CUL1 levels (unmodified plus RUB-modified)
detected by immunoblots of samples with and without MG-132 treatment was
performed on three independent experiments. Error bars indicate S.D.
Differences between untreated control and MG-132-treated samples were
evaluated for statistical significance using Student's t test;
*, p < 0.001. C, TIR1-HAStrep was
affinity-purified on StrepTactin-Sepharose 6 h after application of auxin (5
μm 2,4-D) and/or MG-132 (50 μm). Protein extracts
were analyzed on immunoblots using the anti-HA and anti-ubiquitin antibodies.
The filled dot indicates unmodified TIR1-HAStrep, and the open
arrowheads indicate modified TIR1-HAStrep.