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. 2009 Feb 27;11(2):139–147. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntp009

Table 2.

Independent variable scales, sources, number of items, sample items, response ranges, and Cronbach's alphas

Scale (source) Number of items Sample item Response options Cronbach's Alpha
Parental smokinga (Brook et al., 1990) 2 What was the greatest number of cigarettes your mother (father) ever smoked? 1. None N/A
2. A few cigarettes or less a week
3. 1–5 cigarettes a day
4. About half a pack a day
5. About one pack a day
6. More than one pack a day
Parental educational attainment (Fagan et al, 2005) 2 How far in school did your mother (father) go? 1. Completed grade school or less N/A
2. Some high school
3. Completed high school
4. Technical, nursing or business school after high school
5. Some college
6. Completed college
Perceived discrimination (original) 3 How much have you experienced discrimination by the police or security guards? 1. Not at all .64
2. A little
3. Somewhat
4. Very much
Peer smoking 1 How many of your friends smoke cigarettes on a regular basis? N/A
Late adolescent maladaptive personality and behavior
    Depressive symptoms (modified version of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist; Derogatis, Lipman, Richels, Uhlenhuth, & Covi, 1974) 2 You sometimes feel unhappy, sad, and depressed. 1. Completely false .70
2. Mostly false
3. Mostly true
4. Completely true
    Rebelliousness (Smith & Fogg, 1979) 3 When rules get in the way, you ignore them. 1. Completely false .63
2. Mostly false
3. Mostly true
4. Completely true
    Deviance (Gold, 1966) 10 During the past 5 years, how often have you gotten into a serious fight? 1. Never .84
2. Once
3. Twice
4. three or four times
5. five or more times
    School achievementb (Brook et al., 1990) 9 (Number of) years of school you hope you will complete. 1. Leave before graduating high school .80
2. Finish high school only
3. Technical, nursing or business school after high school
4. Some college but less than 4 years
5. Graduate from a 4-year college
6. Get a master’s, law or doctorate degree
    Late adolescent light smoking 1 How many cigarettes a day do you (currently) smoke? 1. None N/A
2. A few cigarettes a week or less
3. 1–5 cigarettes a day
4. About half a pack a day
5. About one pack a day
6. About one and a half packs a day
7. More than one and a half packs a day

Note. Parental smokers were defined as having smoked “a few cigarettes or less a week” to “more than one pack a day” according to the youth's report.


Response options varied for the additional items in this scale.