Overall structure of ScGas2 and comparison with structurally
related proteins. A, multiple sequence alignment of the GH72
family members ScGas2, ScGas1, CaPHR2,
CaPHR1, AfGel3, AfGel1, and ScGas4.
Secondary structure elements from the ScGas2 structure are shown,
with α-helices in red and orange for the catalytic and
cysteine-rich domains, respectively, and β-strands correspondingly in
blue and green. Regions that are disordered in some or all
of the ScGas2 structures are marked with a dashed line.
Conserved catalytic glutamate residues are highlighted in pink
boxing, and the (predicted) GPI-anchor attachment site is indicated in
blue boxing. B, overall crystal structure of ScGas2 in
complex with laminaripentaose. The Glu176 and Glu275 are
shown with pink carbon atoms and labeled. The seven disulfide bridges
are highlighted in yellow. Helix α13 was not built in the
laminaripentaose complex structure and thus is absent from this figure. Ligand
molecules are shown as sticks with green carbon atoms and
the sugar-binding sites are labeled –5 to +5, following standard
nomenclature. Other colors as in A. Also shown is a surface
representation of the ScGas2, colored by sequence conservation
(red (100% identity) to gray (<50% identity)).
C, comparison of the CBM43 domains of ScGas2
(bottom; E176Q mutant) and Ole e 9 (top; PDB ID 2JON
(39)). Disulfide bridge sulfur
atoms are shown as yellow spheres. Secondary structure elements are
colored as in B and labeled. Unique features of either structure are
shown in lighter colors in the picture (left). The topology
diagram was drawn with Topdraw
(50). Surface-exposed aromatic
amino acids of the CBM43 domain of ScGas2 (Phe404,
Tyr417, Tyr474, Phe493, Tyr501,
and Tyr506) are shown as sticks with pink carbon