Complementation of the ppi2 mutant by GTPase deficient Toc159GM
K868R. A, phenotypes of homozygous ppi2 plants
transformed with TAP-Toc159GM and TAP-Toc159GM K868R and untransformed A.
thaliana plants. In the upper panel, untransformed plants are
seedlings descended from a heterozygous ppi2 plant; in the lower
panel an untransformed homozygous wild-type plant ecotype Wassilewskija
is shown. B, chlorophyll levels in leaves of untransformed wild-type
plants and homozygous ppi2 plants complemented by TAP-Toc159GM or
TAP-Toc159GM K868R at 19 days after germination. C, confirmation of
genotypes and the presence of the K868R single point mutation. PCR analysis of
genomic DNA from plants shown above with primer sets specific for the
ppi2 allele, the non-disrupted TOC159 gene (WT) and the
transgene. Digestion of the transgene-specific PCR product by AseI is
indicative of the presence of the K868R mutation that was introduced along
with an AseI cleavage site. D, expression of the TAP-tagged proteins
in the absence of endogenous Toc159. 50 μg of total protein extracts each
were used for Western blotting with rabbit IgG for the detection of TAP-tagged
protein and anti-Toc159 A-domain for the detection of endogenous full-length
atToc159. The numbers in brackets represent the numbers of the
transgenic plant lines (see supplemental Table S1).