The parameters varied and the range of values reported in the 48 curves of this figure are as follows: coupling factor (cf), 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 1; paired half-times of NPP development and Hb consumption (in h), 22–26, 27–32, and 32–38; slope-parameter of NPP and Hb curves (in h), 2 and 3; maximal Hb consumption (fraction of total initial Hb), 0.7 and 0.8. (A): host cell water volume, relative to initial IRBC volume; (B): IRBC volume, relative to initial volume. The broken line represents the nominal CHV based on a mean value of 1.7 reported for normal uninfected RBCs [35]; (C): relative parasite volume; (D): host cell Hb content, in mmol(1013 cells)−1; (E): Hb concentration in host cell water, mM. Overlapping curves in Panels A, D and E conceal all the 48 curves within the 12 that can be discerned.