Figure 3. Correlation between CYR61 and β-galactosidase (β-gal), but not between TSP-1 and Ang-2 levels, with oncolytic virus (OV) encoded lacZ.
(a–c) Quantitative real-time PCR (QRT-PCR) for OV-encoded (a) CYR61, (b) Ang-2, and (c) TSP-1 gene expression in rat brain tumors. Rats with intracranial brain tumors were pretreated with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)/cyclophosphamide (CPA) on day 5, and with PBS/OV on day 7 after tumor cell implantation. Seventy-two hours after OV infection, the animals were killed, and the amounts of Ang-2, CYR61, and TSP-1 messenger RNA (mRNA) relative to β-actin were quantified using QRT-PCR (n = 9/group). There was a significant increase in CYR61 mRNA in animals treated with OV + CPA as compared to animals treated with OV alone. (d,e) Scatter plot analysis of the expression of OV encoded (d) β-gal versus CYR61, (e) Ang 2, and (f) TSP-1 rat glioma tumor tissue, both with and without CPA pretreatment. Note the significant positive correlation between CYR61 and β-gal (R = 0.710, P = 0.0009), but not between β-gal and Ang-2 (R = 0.189, P = 0.451) or between β-gal and TSP-1 (R = 0.268, P = 0.283).