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. 2006 Jun;20(6):427–431. doi: 10.1155/2006/301232


The use of interferon (IFN) for hepatitis C virus (HCV) and renal allograft rejection

Reference HCV genotype n IFN treatment received Acute rejection Cleared HCV
Durlik et al, 1998 (24) Unknown 11 IFN-α 3 mU sc tiw for 3 to 12 months 1/11 0/11*
Rostaing et al, 1996 (25) Unknown 16 IFN-α 2b 3 mU sc tiw for 6 months or until discontinued 0/16 Unknown
Kramer et al, 1984 (26) Unknown 8 IFN 36 mU im tiw for 1.5 months then tiw for 1.5 months 8/8 Unknown
Tokumoto et al, 1999 (27) 1b (3 patients) 6 IFN-α 5–10 mU sc qd 1–14 days and then 5 to 10 mU sc tiw for 2 to 24 weeks 2/6 3/6*
2a (2 patients)
2b (1 patient)
Hanafusa et al, 1998 (14) (subgroup analysis) 1b (9 patients) 10 IFN-α 2b 9 mU qd for 2 weeks and tiw for 22 weeks 4/10 1/10*
2a (1 patient)
Chan et al, 1993 (15) Unknown 1 IFN-α 1.5 mU sc tiw tapered to maximum 5 mU tiw and tapered off over 9 months 1/1 1/1*
Ozgur et al, 1995 (28) Unknown 5 IFN-α 4.5 mU sc tiw until discontinued (2 to 6 months) 2/5 No in 3/5 unknown in 2/5
Takahara et al, 1995 (29) Unknown 2 IFN-α 6 mU six times a week for 3 weeks and then tiw for 2 months (1 patient) 1/2 Unknown
IFN-α 6 mU qd for 6 months (1 patient)
Konishi et al, 2004 (30) 2b 1 IFN-β 6 mU iv qd for 1 month 0/1 1/1*
Therret et al, 1994 (31) Unknown 9 IFN-α 3 mU tiw sc for 6 months 0–1/9 (the one patient may have been both HCV and HBV) Unknown
Tang et al, 2003 (32) 1a (1 patient) 4 IFN-α 2b 3 mU sc tiw for 6 to12 months 0/4 3/4*
1b (1 patient)
2 (1 patient)
6a (1 patient)
Magnone et al, 1994 (33) Unknown 6 IFN-α 2 to 5 mU sc tiw for 0.3 to 13 months 5/7 Unknown
Luciani et al, 2003 (34) 1b (after transplant) 1 IFN-α 6 mU qd for 18 days, then 6 mU tiw for total of 6 months 0/1 1/1*
Baid et al, 2003 (19) Unknown in 10 patients. In 2 who rejected 1a (1 patient) and 2a/2c (1 patient) 12 IFN 1.5 mU sc tiw and increased to 3 mU sc tiw. In 3 patients. IFN changed to PEGIFN 1 μg/kg to 1.5 μg/kg sc weekly. Total treatment 3 to 89 months 2/12 (neither were on PEGIFN) 4/12*

Patients documented as being hepatitis B virus (HBV) positive in addition to HCV positive are not included. Patients who received a combined liver and renal transplant are not included.


HCV clearance as documented by undetectable HCV viral load;

six of 16 patients in Rostaing et al (25) were documented as having acute renal failure that could not be classified as acute rejection by the Banff criteria; nine of 16 patients also discontinued IFN-α due to side effects;

HCV clearance as documented by liver biopsy and/or biochemical response. im Intramuscular; iv Intravenously; PEG Pegylated; qd Daily; sc Subcutaneously; tiw Three times a week