Figure 3.
Ethephon Treatment of Col-0 and Constitutive Ethylene Response Mutants under Complete Nutrient Conditions Resulted in Higher Levels of ROS Production.
Pseudocolor images of ROS fluorescence are shown for K+-sufficient wild-type roots (1.75 mM K+) in the absence (A) or presence (B) of ethephon or ethephon plus Ag+ (C). Three-day-old roots were treated with 50 μM ethephon and/or 50 μM Ag+ for 3 h, followed by staining with 20 μM DFFDA. Fluorescence images of ctr1-1 (D), eto1-1 (E), eto2 (F), and eto3 (G) roots are shown. As indicated on the pesudocolor scale (in pixel intensity), yellow and red colors indicate a high ROS production. Inset shows enlargement of RHDZ. White lines were drawn by hand to show the boundary of roots. (H) shows the quantified data of (A) to (C) (n = 10 seedlings ± se). Means that have different letters at the top are significantly different (P < 0.05; t test). Bar = 200 μm; bar in inset = 100 μm.