PIL5 Mediates Red Light Signaling in Imbibed Seeds.
(A) Venn diagram showing an overlap between the DEG sets of Col-0(D)/Col-0(R) and Col-0(D)/pil5(D). DEGs were determined based on fold change (>1.5), P value (<0.01), and FDR (<0.05).
(B) Venn diagram showing no overlap between the DEG sets of Col-0(D)/Col-0(R) and pil5(D)/pil5(R).
(C) Hierarchical cluster display of expression ratios in Col-0(D)/Col-0(R), Col-0(D)/pil5(D), and pil5(D)/pil5(R). The DEGs in at least one sample pair were included in this cluster. Expression ratios are given as log values.