Figure 1.
Effects of the group size (n) and number of rounds (m) on the evolutionary stability of TFTn−1 and ALLD when N is large. The parameter space is divided into the following four regions: (i) TFTn−1 is ESSN and ALLD is not ESSN; (ii) both TFTn−1 and ALLD are ESSN and ; (iii) both TFTn−1 and ALLD are ESSN and ; and (iv) TFTn−1 is not ESSN and ALLD is ESSN. (a) The situation when b/c=const. Evolution of cooperation becomes more difficult as the group size increases. The parameter value used is b/c=1.5. (b) The situation when b/(nc) =const. Maintenance of cooperation becomes easier with increasing group size. The parameter value used is b/(nc) =0.51.