a, LY345491 (1 mg/kg, ip) prevented NAC-induced restoration of LTP (treatment F(1,374)= 6.10, p= 0.031), but did not block NAC restoration of LTD. See figure 5a for treatment protocol. b, The mGluR5 antagonist MPEP (10 mg/kg, ip) blocked the NAC restoration of impaired LTD in cocaine rats (treatment F(1,540)= 8.93, p =0.014), but did not block NAC restoration of LTP. c, Percentage change from baseline in control and cocaine animals after NAC and LY345491 or MPEP. Each bar represents an average of 5 min time bin immediately before (baseline) and 15-20 min after LFS or HFS. One-way ANOVA: LTP F(4,69)= 8.77, p< 0.001; LTD F(4,58)= 40.31, p< 0.001. n for each treatment group is shown in the bars, and data are shown as mean ± s.e.m.
* p< 0.05, compared with baseline using a Bonferroni multiple comparisons.
+ p< 0.05, compared with NAC in cocaine animals (NAC+cocaine)