(A) Speedup as a function of goal switching times E.
Speedup is presented for the goal G1
with MVG between the nearly modular pair of goals
G1 and G2 :
G1 = {
[ (−0.4,−1.6,0.7),
(−0.4,−1,−2.3) ]; [
(0,0.9,−0.3), (0,0.7,1.2) ] },
G2 = {
[ (2,−1.9,1.7),
(2.9,−0.3,−3.6) ];[
(0.3,0.3,0.3), (0.4,0.6,−0.1) ] }, . High speedup S is found for a
wide range of goal switching times. (B) Speedup under MVG is greater
the harder the goal (the more time it takes to solve the goal in FG
evolution starting from random initial conditions). The Speedup
/ TMVG as a function of goal complexity,
defined as the time to solve the goal under fixed goal evolution,
TFG. The speedup scales linearly
with TFG. Goals are as in (a). and
E = 10/r.