Schemes illustrating relevant parts of the structure of the GC-A gene
and cDNA as well as of the GC-A protein. A, structure and
alternative splicing of GC-A. The exon-intron organization is shown on the
top, including the splicing pattern. The positions of oligonucleotide
primers and probes used for quantitative, real time RT-PCR are indicated.
Their sequences and the respective nucleotide positions are shown in the
table (B). C, the active GC-A receptor is formed by
a homodimer and consists of an extracellular (ligand binding), a
transmembrane, and three intracellular domains. The variant lacks 17 amino
acids (ΔLys314–Gln330) in the
membrane-distal part of the extracellular domain (marked by a hatched